General Clinical Duties


My clinical duties include:

  • Led the effort of monthly and annual QA for Varian TrueBeam, Halcyon, Mevion S250 Proton Therapy System, GE Lightspeed 16 CT, Philips Big Bore RT CT, and Varian Acuity.
  • Worked as “physicist of the day” to resolve daily machine issues and conducted repairs and replacements for MLC motors to ensure minimal machine downtime.
  • Supervised the collection of 4D CT with Varian Real-time Position Management (RPM) Respiratory Gating System and resolved various issues during 4D CT acquisition and reconstruction.
  • Proficiently mastered QA equipment including Sun Nuclear diodes / ArcCheck / MapCheck / ICProfiler / DQA3, IBA MatriXX, Varian Portal Dosimetry / MPC etc and in charge of their calibraiton.
  • Managed patient-specific QA for Varian TrueBeam, Halcyon, and Mevion S250 systems.
  • Verified machine and VisionRT performance before SRS treatments via IsoCal and Winston-Lutz tests.
  • Collected and analyzed in-vivo dosimetry using EBT3 film.