Clinical Experience
Welcome to the Clinical Experience section of my academic journey, where I share key milestones and achievements from my medical physics residency. Over the course of two years, I’ve been involved in a variety of clinical projects, contributing to both patient care and educational initiatives.
General Clinical Duties
In my two-year residency, I have contributed significantly to the clinic. As a resident, I shoulder a wide range of responsibilities. Please click the title for a comprehensive introduction of my clinical duties.
Educational Lectures
Throughout my residency, I’ve had the opportunity to delve into advanced topics and deliver lectures on the weekly physics meeting. You can explore my lecture materials by clicking the title!
Machine, QA, Detector Rotation
During my three-month machine rotation, I delved deep into the foundamental therapeutic and diagnostic physcis. I consolidated my knowledge learned about radiation detection, linear accelerator and dosimetry. Please click the title to view what I have learned!
TBI/TSET Clinical Service
I independently completed over 10 TBI treatment planning and supervised the TBI treatment session. I collected in-vivo dosimetry via diodes for TBI. I independently completed 3 TSET treatment planning and analyzed in-vivo dosimetry using EBT3 films.
Being Proficient in ESAPI
ESAPI is a special programming tool for clinical development of ARIA, ECLIPSE and Portal dosimetry developed by Varian. I proficiently mastered ESAPI in my basic treatment planning rotation and it greatly benefited my rotation and research work including the commissioning of VMAT-TBI. I developed and authored several useful codes for data mining, knowledge-based planning, plan automation, beam model verification, dose evaluation, plan quality check, portal dosimetry and etc. Please click the title to see my representative works.
Investigation of Beam Field Specific DLG
I found clinical plans often benefit from a specific DLG value over a universal DLG. Based on a retrospective study of 68 beam fields, each MLC modulated beam fields were found to have different optimal DLG values. Upon my investigation, our clinic implemented two DLG values for treatment planning and clinical dose evaluation. The planning and QA workflow have been significantly improved! Please click the title to know more about this project!
Proton Dosimetry Annual QA
I completed the annual QA of Mevion S250™ Proton System and verified the beam quality of all available 24 beam options using the IBA Blue Phantom® and PPC05 parallel-plate chamber. I configured the queues and analyzed results using myQA Accept Software.
Clinical Evaluation of Tattoo-less SGRT-aided Breast RT Program
I evaluated the effectivenes of SGRT-guided patient setup vs kV/MV imaging for 30 patients treated with the tattoo-less breast RT. The comaprison metrics utilized the dosimetrical evaluation over the entire treatmetn course by accounting for the patient shift in each fraction. It was statistically found that there is no difference between SGRT setup and the conventional setup. This project served our clinical guidance to completely remove daily kV verification. Please click the tilte to know more about this project!
Basic Treatment Planning Rotation
During my three-month basic planning rotation, I executed over 60 clinical 3D conformal plans. Please click the title to know more about my clinical effort!
Commissioning of VMAT-TBI
I developed, tested and validated an advanced treatment procedure for total body irradiation (TBI) using multi-isocenter VMAT. Before the commissioning of our new cancer center. This project involves extensive clinical programming, automation of the treatment planning and end-to-end clinical validation. Please click the title to know more about the commissioning of this new technique!
Advanced Treatment Planning Rotation
During my three-month advanced planning rotation, I have a comprehensive training on IMRT and SBRT planning over H&N, Shoulder, Lung, Liver, Kidney, GYN, GU. Please click the title to know more about this brilliant rotation!
Brachytherapy Rotation
I provided independent coverage of brachytherapy for interstitial HDR prostate, vaginal cuff cylinder, multi-channel cylinder, Tandem and Ovoids. Please click to know more about the interesting cases I encountered during my rotation!
MRI/MR-Linac Rotation
Over the course of three months, I started the preparation for the commissioning of Elekta Unity MR-Linac machine in our new cancer center. I covered on topics of MR-only simulation, MR-Linac setup, MR-Linac reference dosimetry, MR-Linac site-specific treatment. Please click the title to know more about my learning!
SIRT Service (Radiopharm)
I independently provided SIRT coverage including Y-90 for liver mets treatment and participated in Xofigo® and Pluvicto® treatment for prostate mets patients.
Varian Truebeam™ Annual QA
I independently finished all the mechanical part of Varian Truebeam™ annual QA and finished the annual mechanical and dosimetry verification. I learned to use IBA Blue Phantom2® to perform TG-51 and beam profile measurement. Please click the title to know more about my effort!
Annual Training of Gamma Knife
The annual training of gamma knife covers multiple physics and clinical aspect of Gamma Knife. I had comprehensive hands-on experience on the SRS patient simulation, treatment planning, and radiation safety.Please click the title to know more about the training!
Varian Halycon™ Annual QA
I independently performed annual QA of the Varian Halcyon™ machine. In the dosimetry part, I set up the IBA blue phantom water tank on the Halcyon machine. The challenges include a closed-bore setup and imaging setup without lasers and field light. Please click the title to know more about my effort!
Commissioning of Varian TrueBeam™
I am the leading resident to perform the full commissioning of the very first Varian TrueBeam™ at our new cancer center. I independently operated on the PTW BeamScan® Water tank for beam quality scanning, beam profile scanning, DLG/ELM, and TG-51 output measurement. I designe the annual QA template and drafted the commissioning report. Please click the title to see my major contribution!
Proton Rotation
In my proton rotation, I learned the theoretical and operational principle of Mervion S250™ System installed in our center. During my residency, I completed two annual QA, two monthly QA, and over 30 patient-specific QA, including the MU determination.
Proton Dosimetry Annual QA
I completed the annual QA for Mevion S250™ Proton System using PTW MP3-P 3D water tank and PTW trufix PPC05. I measured PDD, flatness and symmetry of selected proton beams. I also used IBA Matrixx to verify the flatness, symmetry and penumbra. We used the PTW farmer chamber to perform absolute dosimetry and verified the machine output.
I independently completed TBI/TSET annual by replicating the patient setup using solid water. I verified the beam output relative to the reference condition. I also verified TMR, diode correction factor and lead shield transmission for TBI annual. I tuned and verified the beam output and baselined dailyQA device for TSET.
Visiting New York Proton Center
I learned spot scanning proton therapy in New York Proton Center. I folster deep understandings on the uncertainties in proton therapy such as physical modeling uncertainty (CT, SPR, SPR conversion, Tissue model), static uncertainty (setup error, non-reproducibility, metal position), dynamic uncertainty (breathing motion, physiological motion and interplay effect), as well as longitudinal uncertainty (tumor change, weight change and anatomical variation). I received extensive training on the treatment planning on both ECLIPSE and Raystation, treatment workflow, physics chart and monthly QA.
Satellite Coverage
I will cover RWJBH Banabas Cooperman and learn new modalities such as Elekta VersaHD, Mosaiq and Oncentra, Elekta Nucletron, and Accuray CyberKnife.
Elekta Unity MR-Lianc Commissioning
The commissioning of Elekta Unity takes place in the new Morris cancer center takes place in March. I will be the leading resident and closely work with the leading physicist. The machine has been delivered and installed in November 2024. I pariticipated in the radiation survey with leading physicists. Please stay tuned for our progress!
Gamma Knife, SRS Rotation
My special procedure rotation starts 3/1/2024. My rotation will cover the practice of gamma knife, cyberknife® and Linac-based SRS. Stay tuned!